So, today we’re speaking with Swaahili M.
She works for BlogVault in Bangalore India in their marketing department.
We have a wide ranging chat today about a multitude of subjects. To start with we discuss Swaahili’s passion for reading and how it shaped her early years. In recent years, she’s devoured 300 books per year, which is rather remarkable I think.
We then go on to talk about the tech scene in India and Bangalore in particular. Bangalore you see is like the Silicon Valley of India. Start ups are popping up all over the place and the tech industry is booming. As everywhere else where tech jobs dominate, it shapes the city itself. Costs rise, there is tension between the former way of living and the new way of living, in which many feel the pace of change is too fast.
How do key workers such as teachers and nurses keep pace with the high salaries that some people in tech are expecting to earn?
We then take the conversation in a different direction. Talking about Swaahili herself and her role at BlogVault. How she ended up in marketing, which by her own admission was not a career path that she imagined for herself.
We end with a lengthy chat about how Swaahili manages her ADHD. How it’s impacted her life and how her company has been able to assist her in the expectations that they set for the work that she produces.
It’s a lovely conversation and I always enjoy learning about life in other parts of the world. Sadly, the quality of the audio on Swaahili’s side is not all that great. It’s certainly listenable, but the audio gremlins were definitely out in force on the day that we recorded this podcast episode.
If you’ve been impacted by any of the issues raised in this podcast, please reach out to us by using the chat on the website.
Interviewed by Nathan Wrigley.
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